Monday, July 26, 2010

Paying it Forward

I guess "Pay it forward" means to pass along a good deed. I briefly met a couple yesterday who embody the concept, and I will pay forward their deed as I am able.

I officiated a wedding yesterday in Pawtuckaway State Park, a venue to which I had never been. The bride sent along directions, which I gratefully accepted. As I always try to be early, I left plenty of time to find the place. The short of it is, I sensed something wasn't right, but I did follow the directions correctly. At one point, after going back and forth a couple of times, I saw a man and his wife in their driveway. He raised his have and motioned me over. When I told him what my problem was, he went into his garage and brought back a sheet of directions he had previously printed out. The directions from the Internet were way off, and I guess he and his wife knew they'd be seeing many people. There must have been so many driving up and down his road, that he and his wife printed out numerous sheets to hand out to lost travelers. What a nice thing to do for strangers.

If anyone knows someone who knows someone who may know the couple, please extend my sincere thanks and let them know I will pay it forward.

1 comment:

Patrick Dykie said...

I was randomly blogging and came upon your site. Like you, I like to write-as well as do a lot of thinking. I have a website based on the pay it forward concept. It involves what I call "Promise Cards". Its a feel good site which I started as a dedication to my father who passed away. The site is:


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