Friday, July 24, 2020


Many years ago, my dear,  now-departed mother suggested I write a book called Jobs I Have Known

While I didn't always have to, I pretty much always worked. I loved the people contact and learning new things (and the spending money)! Those all were what made a job great! That and being there for and helping others.

Among the jobs I still remember: door-to-door greeting card sales, bowling pin setter, drug store worker and soda-jerk (no comments, please), taxi driver, political volunteer, bus boy security guard, movie theatre usher, interviewer, motorcycle salesman, bouncer, car salesman, server, personalized advertising specialty sales, substance abuse prevention presenter, Tupperware dealer, radio DJ - WPNH), Fuller Brush man, and teacher. I can't remember any others now), but there once was a list of about 30 different jobs.

I can proudly say I was never let go from a job except one (car sales) because of a declining consumer market (about 30 years ago). I did leave a few as life circumstances changed. I did quit one that required me to walk a neighborhood, carry around a 16mm projector, talk my way into someone's apartment, and show ads while asking people if they remember them from the previous night's television. Ugh!

Anyhow, that was then, and this is now. I am retired and enjoying doing virtually nothing.

And yet, in the greatest economy ever, here I am again casually having to look for another job. It's a lot tougher when one is older.

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