Tuesday, July 21, 2020


I think too much!

As I regularly skim news sites (both real and fake), I start to think about how the country was (or at least how I thought it was) way back when I was growing up. I have the benefit of hindsight, a still functioning brain, and am able to look at things with both eyes open. I have learned a lot as the years flew by. 

I grew up in a Liberal environment, so I was a Liberal. When I moved to NH, I was immersed in a Conservative world, and gradually moved to either side of the middle, embracing philosophies from both sides. Today, some 41 years later, I still see good on both sides. 

Cutting to the chase, while I was watching the news, I started thinking about a song my class sang in junior high school. The world was a lot different then (around 60 years ago), and while some advances along the way have been are miraculous, others changes aren't advances at all. I often feel like I am back in the 1950's.

The song is called "I Like it Here," and we sang it regularly. It describes the world I thought I lived in. Today, I am not so sure anymore. See what you think.

"I Like it Here"

I like the United States of America.
I like the way we all live without fear.
I like to vote for my choice, speak my mind, raise my voice,
Yes, I like it here.
I like the United States of America.
I am thankful each day of the year.
For I can do as I please, 'cause I'm free as the breeze,
Yes I like it here.
I like to climb to the top of the mountain so high,
Lift my head to the sky,
And say how grateful am I
For the way that I'm working and helping and giving
And doing the things I hold dear.
Yes, I like it, I like it, I like it here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sadly.... I could not... would not sing such verses. It is shameful what has become
of this nation.


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