Saturday, June 6, 2020


Sometimes the thoughts just show up. Sometimes they hit the mark but not always.

Some Random Thoughts

  When you sit in your living room alone (or with friends) to watch sports (remember them?), do you stand for the National Anthem when it comes on?

  We need scriptwriters for our everyday life interactions. It would make things much easier. 

  So, in the middle of the night, when the wife suspiciously confronts the husband, the first thing she comes up with to ask is, “So what are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?”
  We have one of those drains that have a twisty knob to seat it in the drain. It usually drops there on its own when I don't want it to, but when I try to seat it, it takes several tries.

  So, is the slogan “Make America Great Again” copyrighted? If not, the Dems could use it (and actually have it mean something true).

  I see why so many people think they’re geniuses – they found the M, the A, the 9, the mitsake, etc.

  If Trump wins in November, will he blame everything on the first Trump administration?

  In our 27+ years together, my wife and I have never gone out to a movie together. Not complaining – just saying.
  One. Hundred. And. Eleven.Thousand. Fellow. Americans. Dead while tRump denied and lied for two months. If anyone still supports him, they are complicit.

  Is accidental overdose an oxymoron?

  At a former job, my boss had quite the precocious son – they were playing Trivia Pursuit. The question was ‘What does a peacock make love with?” The expected answer was a peahen. His answer: “His tallywacker?”

  When you only think in terms of black and white (literally and figuratively), you aren’t thinking at all. There are thousands of shades of gray.

  MAAA – Make America America Again.
  The authority of my fist stops just before the tip of your nose!

  You don’t have to like everybody, but you have to get along!

  Life is much too serious to take seriously.

  No matter what, frozen pizza still tastes like frozen pizza.

  So, when Maine Senator Susan Collins decided not to meet with tRump during his Maine visit, does that mean she learned her lesson?

  As soon as you realize taking a knee isn’t disrespecting the flag, things make a lot more sense.

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