Friday, June 26, 2020



How fair is it to define someone by something they said or did 40 or 50 years in the past? Does how they’ve grown, who they have become, and what they’ve done since matter more?

If there is a law about pre-funding the USPS retirement system, just reverse the law.

Not a huge deal, but after two years at her job, my daughter is making more than I did as a teacher after 31 years.

As my folks’ passings taught me, enjoy the journey because the destination ain’t so hot!
No matter where you go, there you are.

If I can start charging $50,000 to officiate weddings, all I need to do is one a year.

Because of the news cycle, when something gets uncomfortable, something else comes along to push it out of sight. I am predicting we will have a new hot war before the election!

One. Hundred. And. Twenty. Five. Thousand. Americans. Dead while tRump denied and lied. If anyone still supports him, they are complicit. Many see it. Others never will. One belief is very wrong.

So, maybe it was a test or wake-up call. Suppose the Coronavirus was a truly deadly disease. Where would we be today?

A chance to lead. When ‘only’ 200 people had died, Trump was asked, “So, what do you say Americans who are scared…?” The answer: “I say that you are a terrible reporter, that's what I say. I think it's a very nasty question.”

A new way to eliminate cancer! Stop testing for it! It’s that simple.

One thing I hate is when I am refreshing Facebook and a box shows saying I haven’t finished my post. I still search for an unposted comment. There must be an easier way!

“You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.” John Morley

Even though they are pretty hokey sometimes, Magnum P.I., Diagnosis Murder, and other such shows are good time passers. After watching the original Magnum P.I., I would love to be Magnum (except for those shorts), but I am afraid I am more like Higgins.

Anyone can pretend to be stupid, but you can’t pretend to be smart. Maybe one really needs to be smart to recognize stupid.

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