Maybe I'll become a doctor.
While it has not yet been formally accepted, I submitted my letter of resignation from the teaching job I have held for thirty-one years. Assuming there are no problems, I should be officially retired in about six weeks. Unfortunately, the New Hampshire retirement system doesn't make it easy for me to really retire, so I will be seeking another job. Even if it was easier to step aside and take it easy, continuing my health insurance is the killer! I should be getting a stipend from the state to help me along, but even that doesn't come close to covering the ridiculous premiums insurance companies are charging. Yes, the system is out of control and needs some care. I realize that oh too well.
Regarding my retirement, the official story is that uncertainties in the state's retirement policies helped me make my decision to retire now instead of a year or two from now. The unofficial story is fodder for another time.
Ideally, I would like to find something that would allow me to work from home. I have a lot to offer as a worker; I possess the positive qualities that many people today simply don't have. If employers realize that, I should have an easy time finding something. The realities of the workplace, however, may quash my idealism. I have time to look around, and I know I will benefit whoever takes me on. I just need to find someone who understands that. I will certainly keep you posted.
Paging Dr. Berman.... I like the way that sounds.
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