(Picture courtesy of yours truly)
Seriously, what does one do when one finds no actual or still-possible candidate appealing or even vaguely acceptable? When I have asked a few friends, all said to vote anyhow because if I don't "the other" side will have an easier time getting elected. I feel, however, if I vote, it is to support The System of no real choices.
For the first time in a long time, during the primary season, I found a candidate that I could pretty much fully support (pictured above)! I even contributed some money (something I don't recall ever doing before)! I even worked for my candidate and hoped beyond hope that people would see him as a truly viable candidate who had experience, foresight, and wisdom - "the right stuff." Alas, not enough people agreed, and he withdrew leaving us ultimately with what we have as of this writing (in alphabetical order - Barack, Hillary, and John). FEH! They are Politicians (in the worst sense of the word)! Is this the best we can do? I don't believe I have ever missed voting in an an election. I even ran once for a position because there were no other candidates (turned out so did someone else, so there was a contest). I did no negative campaigning; as a matter of fact, I did no campaigning at all. I lost, but that was okay because I ended up with a respectable showing, which, in itself, was impressive against "a local." As we get closer to November, I may run for a Congressional seat just to give people a choice to vote for someone who is not part of The System. Politics is way complicated, and, IMHO, because of the complexities, has been taken out of the hands of the people. I want to give it back (or take it back).
That said, back to the original question: what do I do about voting? What do you think?
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