Saturday, April 5, 2008



If I understand the word correctly, "objectophilia" is when one's true love is an inanimate object. I am not sure if that's like my wife's comment that she loves her truck or if there's something deeper and more troubling.

Anyhow, last week I got a promotional mailing that told me of a special offer that would pay off up to three car lease payments (I lease my cars) and give me a bonus of $500 toward another vehicle. The only problem was that the offer was good for three days, and I had five payments left on my Dodge Caliber. I stopped by the dealer in a panic wondering if this was an offer I could or should take advantage of (the dealer [Autoserv of Plymouth NH] and my family have "a relationship." At least twelve [or more] of our last vehicles bought and leased have come from there - they have always treated us "right." Like any business, some people do quite well there while others do not - I suspect having a relationship helps immensely! Any people I have sent in "under my wing" have been pleased). Short story shorter, they told me to wait - there was always a Lease Loyalty incentive, and they would take care of me. I left feeling better, but I was told they'd run numbers anyhow. Late Monday, I called them and left a message that I would wait for a few months. Tuesday afternoon, I went in for an inspection on the Caliber; they gave me numbers. Wednesday afternoon, I picked up my new vehicle - a Jeep Liberty. (I don't know if I should reveal this, but to make things happen, the dealer paid off my last several lease payments, a $495 turn-in fee, and told me my mileage was okay. I think they like me.)

The Caliber was okay - it was a fun car to drive, but I always had a problem getting in and out, and I didn't put winter tires on - as a result, with this record-setting winter (snowiest in a hundred years), I wasn't always fully comfortable in it (I got stuck in my flat, ice-packed driveway twice). Now that I have the Jeep, I am comfortable again as it has four-wheel drive. My getting the Jeep virtually guarantees no more snow this year, but it's something I can accept (especially after 117.1 inches so far).

The first day I drove it, I liked it. The second day, I really liked it. Although it's still early (today is the third day), dare I say it? I may even shortly love it (I'm on the verge). By the way, if you are in the area and looking for a car, let me know first. I will call them, put you under my wing, and see if you can be taken care of the right way. I suspect if everyone was treated as I have been, the dealer would have to put a Take-a-Number machine at the door.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Dave, congratulations on the new wheels. It'll definitely be handier in the snow and you being a "horse owning dad", it will come in handy to carry a few bales of hay and the such. Did you get your hitch installed yet for the trailer? Competition season is about to start again, no?


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