Thursday, September 10, 2020


There are four things that happened in our history that  I will never forget where I was when I heard. This is one of them.

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, I was walking into a classroom for a study hall.

Students were pretty excited, asking if I had heard about a plane that hit a building in New York. I hadn't. 

Accident? That was the only thought at that point. No one had any more information.

When things settled down, I tried to get on the computer to see what was happening, but it was even slower than usual, and none of the news sites were loading. As a news freak, I was frustrated to say the least!

That is the moment I remember. As the day progressed, I learned more, and the rest is history, as 'they' say.

The other thing connected to 9/11 I clearly remember is sometime some days later, I was driving somewhere and listening to a list of the victims being read on the car radio. There were names and ages being read, and when one was read and the age was given as three years old, I completely lost it and began sobbing.

When people today say, "Never forget," I can't and won't.

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