So, as I was getting really close to the ball, I did what I always did before - I nudged it with the front wheel to push it out of the way so there wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, with the aforementioned hole in it, it "gave." It didn't bounce to the side but went under the machine, was immediately caught up in the blade, and caused a problem. The engine suddenly came as close to screaming as any inanimate object can and white smoke started pouring out from underneath the mower. There were no shredded pieces that were spit out, so I knew I had a problem. The smell in the air was getting quite unpleasant (an understatement), so thinking quickly, I turned the engine off and sat watching the smoke continue to billow from beneath.
I couldn't lift the behemoth, so I went to the car and got the jack (a story in itself but for another time). I finally figured out how to make it lift the mower and did... it took about three seconds after it had reached its apogee for it to fall. I was on grass, and I thought it might, so I kept my distance. Thinking desperately, I had an idea - I lifted the plastic discharge chute, and there, wedged in the opening was the blue toy! With deft adroitness, I worked it out, put it on a plastic lawn chair, and said a small prayer of thanks and hope. When I tried to restart the engine, it actually worked, and I finished the job.
Not a big story but typical in my ongoing struggle with machines.
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