Sunday, February 1, 2009

George Whatshisname...

I was just watching George Stephe..., uh, Stephi..., um, Stefan..., I was just watching "This Week" with George (the guy pictured to the left). The opening segment ran nearly twenty-five uninterrupted minutes and featured the CEO of FedEx, the CEO of Google, a couple of politicians, and someone else (possibly; so many of the talking heads sound alike and begin to blend or morph together [gray or navy suits, red or blue striped ties, etc.]). The discussion was all about the current financial crisis and bailout and was actually fascinating to me. I must be growing up because I voluntarily watched the show, and my eyes didn't glaze over when they began droning on.

While the palaver went on and on, I had an epiphany (no, I didn't get any on me). I learned something, something totally unintended and yet profound - it was a moment of practicing what I preached when I was a teacher. No one listened then, so I expect no one will listen now, but it confirms to me that I was right. I realized that I pretty much fully understood every word spoken by the commentator and each guest, but when the words strung together to form sentences that created ideas, my comprehension failed. Let me say that again: I pretty much fully understood every word spoken by the commentator and each guest, but when the words strung together to form sentences, my comprehension failed. All of the "common" words I heard had even more and deeper esoteric meanings than I knew. Because of that, I didn't understand any of the intent of the speakers. It is just like a student who knows every individual word in the text, but when the words work together to form larger, more complex ideas, the student is lost and doesn't get it. That's just the way I felt.

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