Back when I started teaching, the principal's philosophy was Freedom with Responsibility. It sounds so easy, but as we have seen through they years, it ain't gonna happen. People want their freedom, but they aren't responsible enough to handle it.
I am bothered by the news of late whether crime or economics or politics, our society is on the edge of out-of-control - we're living in a Lord of the Flies world. For our society to work, all people need to do is be responsible - whether a "high-powered" CEO or a kid in the inner city. People are promoting and living their own agendas and the rest of 'em be damned. Whether power, fun, freedom, survival, or belonging (from Wm. Glasser), chances are good one or more of the aforementioned concepts motivate most people to be who they are and do what they do.
JFK had it right: "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
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