Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Branching Out

I guess if one does a blog, (1) there should be regular entries and (2) each entry should be whatever the spirit moves me to write. This fulfills both.

As not much of great general interest goes on in my life, let me say that I have decided I want to accumulate some wealth. For the past dew weeks, I have been reading up on investing and talking to people. I am more confused than ever. On the plus side, I have never been a money person (that's not the plus). Instead, what would have made my eyes glaze over a few weeks ago is now fascinating! There is an excitement about entering The Market, but I have yet to do anything. Now doesn't quite seem to be the right time. As prices are dropping like stones, whatever I do invest will buy more the longer I wait. Most contemporary wisdom says when one does invest, do so for the long term - invest and forget about it. When I finally do, I will.

By the way - I am now selling pencils for $100,000 each - the way I see it, I only have to sell one a year! If you'd like one, let me know.


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